Nak share with you all the following good news, this being one of them
I quote both report as saying, “…the foreign buying streak has now stretched to 17 straight weeks, says MIDF Research”
17 minggu minggu berturut dana dari luar negara mari invest kat Malaysia, and yet, amongst us, masih ada suara sumbang kata ekonomi tengah “down”
Guys, this is what KLCI looks like in the last 1 year:
I invite you to join the ride.
The following is an excerpt from Bloomberg for a one non-shariah compliant fund which has recently been soft closed (meaning cannot invest in anymore). Look at the 1 year return:
This is not something I picked out of thin air, this is on BLOOMBERG!!
The fund house, Eastspring Investments, recently launched a Shariah Compliant fund with the same investment objective, “Eastspring Investments Islamic Small-Cap Fund“. The fund has similar investment objective but this time, focuses on Small-Cap stocks that are Shariah Compliant on Bursa Malaysia
Until 14th June 2017, the initial offer price (macam IPO saham) is set to RM0.50. Lima posen je.
Kalau korang kebetulan ade duit gentel-gentel, kat bawah bantal ke, dalam almari stokin ke, kalau rasa nak park invest kat sini, jemput habaq mai nooo 😀
Minimum investment RM1000. And I encourage regular savings tiap tiap bulan, perhaps untuk child education fund nak masuk Universiti nanti?
Al-maklumla, sekarang PTPTN, kalau dapat pon, tak dapat 100%; tak macam zaman kite belajar dulu.
Do have a look at the fund’s prospectus and also the Product Highlight Sheet.
That’s all from me for now, if you have any questions, let me know. Kite pm tepi, sembang kencang minum kopi makan Lazeez atau Mashwi 🙂
Wassalam, dan selamat berbuka, selamat bertarawikh, dan selamat menjalani ibadah puasa di bulan Ramadhan.
ps: “Past Performance Is Not Indicative Of Future Results”, but then again, I won’t hire a CEO with zero experience at the helm, kan? 🙂
M.K. Anwar Rangkuti, AFPM
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